General Dentistry
You don’t have to have teeth problems before taking a trip to a general dentist. What your dentist does goes beyond just checking and ensuring your teeth is clean. Your dentist is expected to take a close look at your teeth soft tissue while looking out for oral cancer and similar possible issues. Thus, a semi-annual visit to your general dentist is highly advisable, regardless of whether your dentition is perfect; or has missing teeth, or you wear dentures.
It is common for patients to postpone their visit to a general dentist. However, it is worthy of note that the cost for such procrastination is even higher than going for an actual visit. When a dental disease sets in, it progresses at an exponential rate and leaving it unattended to will only make it worse. At Dentistry on Thornhill Woods, our strongest recommendation has always been that patients stay proactive and nip small dental problems in the bud before they develop into bigger issues.
What Do You Get As a Patient At Dentistry On Thornhill Woods?
If you are reaching out to us for the first time at Dentistry on Thornhill Woods, we assess your needs and fix you up for an appointment within a week. However, if your complaints border on pain and discomfort, we will immediately commence treatment.
You are expected to spend about an hour on your first visit, and within that time, you will have a session with Dr. Kent. The meeting aims to discuss your needs and assess your situation comprehensively. You will also be informed about the details, costs and otherwise of the necessary treatments if you would be undergoing any.
Overall, you are guaranteed a great experience every step of the way when you visit our dentist.
Treatments Offered By A General Dentist?
A general dentist is known to provide all forms of dental services, including fillings, crowns, bridges, making dentures, and others. These treatments can be done onsite during your visit which saves you time from having to visit a separate lab.
Any Arrangement For Pain-Sensitive Patients?
At Dentistry on Thornhill Woods, we attend to our patients dutifully, with emphasis on their conditions. We understand that the needs and expectations of each client differ, however, we are committed to meeting these needs without hurting the clients involved. Thus, we explain all procedures involved to our clients initially and ensure they understand and are ready before we proceed.
Let’s consider the cases of patients with raised anxiety level. There are many ways to help them ease their fears and concerns, including nitrous oxide, sedation dentistry, and sleep dentistry, among others. With findings from our in-depth dental research, we are well equipped to offer the best solutions and the right procedures for each solution. For instance, with our conscious sedation, you will be put in a state of extreme relaxation without IV sedation. With this and other options, it shows how committed we are to providing our patients with the best and safest dental solutions in the industry.
Is Insurance Applicable To General Dentistry?
Absolutely! As indicated earlier, higher costs await anyone who procrastinates on their visit to the general dentist. The progressive nature of the dental disease means they degenerate exponentially if not attended to at the early stages. Thus, at Dentistry on Thornhill Woods, we implore patients to stay proactive and address any small dental problems immediately before they turn into bigger issues.

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1101 Rutherford Rd., Unit#5 Thornhill, ON L4J 0E2
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